Field and Facility Closures
Status: Open
Now registering for 2025 Spring Soccer. Click on "Registration" in the menu to the left for additional information and to register.
Inclement Weather Policy.
In the event of thunder and or lightning play must be halted and all participants and spectators must exit the field and seek shelter in there vehicles. Play may resume after 30 continuous minutes without thunder and or lightning.
Snow emergencies are dictated by the phase of the snow emergency plan in effect. All facilities will close 1 hour after the announcement of Phase 1 going into effect. BCPS facilities that dismiss early due to snow or ice will be closed to Recreation Council Activities that evening.
We need your help to keep providing this program. This is a volunteer run organization. Please consider volunteering your time to Coach a team or Coordinate an Age Group. Coaches and Coordinators will have there league fees refunded. If you have any questions about volunteering contact Rick at 410 456 3778. .
Refund Policy for PHWM Soccer programs.
Our programs tend to fill quickly. We encourage early registration. Becasue of this you may encounter scheduling conflicts with other activities.
We will refund your childs Registration Fee provided we are notified when schecules are released and before the start of the season/distribution of uniforms and balls. To receive a refund forward a copy of your electronic registration receipt to
What is Recreational Soccer?
As defined by US Youth Soccer, recreational soccer is primarily devoted to the enjoyment and development of soccer players without travel or emphasis on high level competition. The purpose of recreational soccer is to provide an opportunity for the participants to have fun, learn the game, love the game, and develop life skills.
Recreational teams are often formed at random – without regard to ability. This helps players involved enjoy the game! Age groups are based on birth year of the participant. They generally consist of 2 birth years playing together. Programs are created for fun, exercise, and development of skills.
Perry Hall-White Marsh Soccer Association
The Perry Hall-White Marsh Soccer Association offers Fall Outdoor, Winter Indoor, Spring Outdoor, Travel and Club Teams as well as a variety of specialized programs and camps throughout the year. Most programs are designed for ages four through High School. For current program registrations check the Register sections above. We are a volunteer organization. We need League Coordinators, Coaches, Assistants, Concession workers and Fundraisers. Help us to provide the most enjoyable experience possible for your children.
Sponsorships: As a 501c3 organization we rely heavily on the support of the local business community. For information concerning program sponsorship please contact Rick Townley at 410-456=3778
Fall Outdoor Soccer begins in early August and is played through early November. Registration occurs in late May and early June. There are separate leagues for boys and girls. Leagues are designated as Clinic (4-5), Under 8 (6-7), Under 10 (8-9), Under 12 (10-11), Under 14 (12-13) and High School. Clinic plays once a week on Sauturday. Under 8 thru Under 14 will practice one or two times a week and play games on the weekend. The High School Group will have one game and one practice per week. All participants will receive a uniform. Participants in Clinic through U10 will receive a ball. Players U8 and above may be required to participate in a skills assessment session. Dates and times will be posted in the “Updates” section above. League play begins the week after Labor Day.
Travel/Club Soccer program (Baltimore Union Soccer Club ) consists of single age year Boys and Girls teams from ages 7 – 19. The program is for the more skilled player seeking a higher level of competition. Teams are further designated as Elite, Select and Classic based on ability and commitment level of the players and parents. Club teams play and train year round. Tryouts for these teams are held during the May /June period, dates vary by age group. Emphasis is placed on age appropriate individual player development and team play. Costs vary by team and are dependent on the level and amount play. See for more information.
Indoor Soccer is offered from December through March. Registration for this program is conducted in October and early November. Boys and Girls leagues are available for Clinic (4-5), Under 8 (6-7), Under 10 (8-9), Under 12 (10-11), Under 14 (12-13) and High School (14-17). The age group is determined by the participant’s birth year. The Clinic age groups will play in local school gyms, all other age groups play at the NERRC (Northeast Regional Recreation Center) in the Multi Recreation Council recreation soccer leagues program.
Spring Outdoor begins in mid April and is played through mid June. Registration for this program is conducted in early March. Leagues are designated as Clinic (4-5), Under 8 (6-7), Under 10 (8-9), Under 12 (10-11), Under 14 (12-13) . Some leagues may be COED and age groups may be modified to suit the number of registrants. Groups are determined by the participant’s birth year. Skill ratings may be required. Dates and times will be posted in the “Updates” section above.
Soccer Clinics and Camps are periodically sponsored throughout the year. Upcoming events will be posted in the “Special Events” or “Register” sections on the left menu.